Pam & Justin

March 29, 2025 • Clarksdale, MS
15 Days To Go!

Pam & Justin

March 29, 2025 • Clarksdale, MS
15 Days To Go!

Just for Fun

Who asked who on the first date? Justin asked Pam to go to dinner!

Where was the first date? Bill’s in Flora

Describe in one word of what you thought of your fiancé on your first date. Justin - I thought she was intriguing. Pam I thought he was handsome.

What do you remember most about your first date? Both of us remember that they had to tell us that the restaurant was closing! We were the last ones in the restaurant!

Who said "I love you" first? Pam

When did you know that your fiancé was the one? It took both of us some time because we were testing the waters and making sure our kids were ok with everything!

Who is the better kisser? We disagree… Justin says him, Pam says her!

Who is more likely to forget important dates? Justin

Who is the better at planning thoughtful surprises? Both of us are pretty good!

Who is better at giving compliments? Justin

Who made the first move? We have different memories here… we will just leave it at that! Ha.

Who is the first to say sorry after an argument? Justin

Who is more involved in wedding planning? Pam

Who is needier and acts like a baby when they’re sick? Both of us!

Who is the better driver? Justin

Who is more likely to forget where they parked the car? Neither

Who is more likely to fall asleep during a movie? Pam

Who is better at remembering directions? Justin

Who is a better bathroom singer? Pam

Who is more likely to get lost without GPS? Pam

If you had to describe your fiancé as an animal, which animal would you say they are most like? Justin - lioness; Pam - owl

Who is more likely to bring home a stray animal? Neither

Who is more likely to cry during a movie? Both of us if the movie is good enough!

Who has a better style of sense? Pam

Who is the better at handling stress? Pam

Who spends more time getting ready? Pam

Who is the bigger sweet tooth? Justin

Who has better taste in music? Justin because Pam only likes 80s rock and country!

Who is an early riser out of the two? Justin

Who checks themselves out in the mirror the most? Pam

Who is the more spontaneous one? Pam

Who uses the phone the most? Both of us!

Who is a bigger party animal? Both of us!

Who is the bigger foodie? Justin

Who is more likely to finish the last piece of dessert? Justin

Who is more likely to burn dinner? Pam

Who is more likely to win in a staring contest? Justin

Who is the pickier eater? Pam

Who is more likely to get injured doing something silly? Pam

Who needs more pampering? Pam

Who throws maximum tantrums? Justin

Who is the biggest fan of shopping? Pam

Who is more likely to leave their belongings around the house? Pam

Who is more likely to hog the remote control? Justin

Who is more likely to leave dishes in the sink overnight? Pam

Who is better at folding laundry? Both of us!

Who is better at assembling furniture? Justin

Who’s more likely to kick the other one off the bed? Pam

Who never forgets to take their cell phone to the restroom? Justin

Who doesn’t believe in organizing the wardrobe? Pam

Who snores louder? Justin

Who is the better morning person? Justin

Who is most likely to laugh at the wrong moment? Justin

Who is most likely to trip over nothing? Pam

Who is most likely to binge-watch a TV series in one day? Justin

Who is most likely to stay up all night reading a book? Neither!

Who is most likely to talk to animals? Both of us!

Who is most likely to plan a spontaneous romantic getaway? Both of us!

Who is most likely to write a love poem? Justin

Who is most likely to want a hug? Pam

Who is most likely to cook a romantic dinner? Justin

Who is most likely to surprise the other with breakfast in bed? Justin

Who is most likely to plan the perfect date night? Pam

Who is most likely to plan an adventurous trip? Pam

Who is most likely to try a new exotic food? Neither

Who is most likely to get sunburned on vacation? Justin

Who is most likely to forget their passport? Neither

Who is most likely to make friends with strangers while traveling? Both of us!

Who is most likely to book a last-minute trip? Justin

Who is most likely to get homesick while traveling? Pam

Who is most likely to skydive? Justin

Who is most likely to navigate without a map? Justin

Who is most likely to leave the lights on? Neither of us!

Who is most likely to talk in their sleep? Pam

Who is most likely to hog the blankets? Pam

Who is most likely to lose their keys? Pam

Who is most likely to snore? Justin

Who is most likely to forget to water the plants? Pam

Who is most likely to sing out loud in the car? Pam

Who is most likely to run a marathon? Neither

Who is most likely to try a new diet? Pam

Who is most likely to eat junk food? Justin

Who is most likely to enjoy outdoor activities? Both of us!

Who is most likely to take a nap during the day? Pam

Who is most likely to drink the most water? Pam

Who is most likely to avoid the doctor? Justin

Who is most likely to be the life of the party? Both of us!

Who is most likely to forget to respond to a text? Justin

Who is most likely to give the best advice? Both of us!

Who is most likely to cancel plans last minute? Neither

Who is most likely to do the household chores? Justin

Who is most likely to decorate for the holidays? Pam

Who is most likely to take care of the pets? Justin

Who is most likely to fix things around the house? Justin

Who is most likely to cook dinner? Justin

Who is most likely to forget to take out the trash? Neither

Who is most likely to organize the home? Justin

Who is most likely to watch a horror movie? Justin

Who is most likely to go to a concert? Both of us!

Who is most likely to go to a museum? Pam

Who is most likely to binge-watch a series? Justin

Who is most likely to win at board games? Justin

Who is most likely to stay calm during a crisis? Pam

Who is most likely to be emotional? Both of us!

Who is most likely to be optimistic? Pam

Who is most likely to be pessimistic? Justin

Who is most likely to be spontaneous? Both of us!

Who is most likely to be organized? Justin

Who is most likely to be creative? Both of us!

Who is most likely to be logical? Justin

Who is most likely to be adventurous? Both of us!

Who is most likely to be cautious? Justin

Who is most likely to stay up late? Justin

Who is most likely to forget their phone? Pam

Who is most likely to make a mess while cooking? Pam

Who is most likely to order takeout? Pam

Who is most likely to run out of gas? Pam

Who is most likely to get a parking ticket? Justin

Who is most likely to adopt a pet? Neither

Who is the most competitive? Both of us!